Welford Youth and Community Centre
The Welford Youth and Community Centre is available to hire. Located in Welford Playing Field it is a perfect venue for groups to hire and for any type of family gathering. Recent bookings have included birthday parties, wedding receptions, Dance practices and presentation evenings.
The comprehensive facilities include a modern kitchen with a cooker and dishwasher, toilets including a disabled toilet, baby changing facilities and a separate meeting room. All of this at a very reasonable hourly rate.
Presently available:
Daytimes – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday afternoons and Weekends
Evenings – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.
For booking enquiries phone Bill on 01858 575 795 or wyccbookings@gmail.com
WYCC brochure of facilities (PDF, 6.2 Mb)
WYCC brochure outlining the facilities
WYCC Hire Agreement and Booking Form with bank details (MS Word, 605 Kb)
Welford Youth and Community Centre booking form
WYCC Conditions of hire (MS Word, 601 Kb)
Welford Youth and Community Centre conditions of hire