Applying for a Parish Grant (PDF, 55 Kb)
Application form
Code of Conduct for Councillors (Word Document, 49 Kb)
Expectations of the office of Councillors
Code of Practice for handling complaints (PDF, 61 Kb)
How complaints are dealt with
Councillor and Clerk expenses policy (PDF, 64 Kb)
How expenses can be claimed
Data Breach Policy (PDF, 65 Kb)
How we deal with any breach of personal data
Data Protection Policy (Word Document, 23 Kb)
How the Parish Council handles personal information
Filming and Recording Council Meetings (PDF, 61 Kb)
Procedure re filming and/or recording Council meetings
Financial Regulations (PDF, 236 Kb)
Financial Regulations
Freedom of Information (PDF, 106 Kb)
Information held and access to that information
IT Policy
Memorial Safety Policy (Word Document, 22 Kb)
The safty of headstones and memorials within the closed church yard
Playing Field use by Hirers and for events (Word Document, 21 Kb)
Policy in relation to the use of the Playing field for certain events and by hirers of the Welford Youth and Community Centre
Reserves and Asset reinstatement Policy (Word Document, 16 Kb)
The Parish Council has agreed to hold money in reserve to replace assets over their lifetime and also to hold a reasonable balance in case of any unforeseen expense.
The rationale is fully explained in the policy
Retention Policy (PDF, 79 Kb)
How long records are kept
Risk Assessment and Internal Controls Procedure 2023 (Word Document, 33 Kb)
The Parish Council Risk Assessment and Internal Controls procedure for 2023
Street Lighting Adoption policy (PDF, 87 Kb)
The procedure for the Council to adopt any new lights as a result of a new development within the Parish
Subject Access Request (PDF, 74 Kb)
How to apply for personal information that might be held by the Parish Council
Welford Parish Council Standing Orders (PDF, 325 Kb)
Standing Orders
Other miscellaneous documents
ICO Registration (PDF, 182 Kb)
The Parish is registered with the Information Commissioners Office in relation to Data Protection
Privacy notice (PDF, 100 Kb)
How we handle data