20th September 2024

Search Welford Parish Council

Welford Parish Council Serving the people of Welford

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The policy for managing the reserves necessary for the Council to function. It was updated at the December 2021 meeting to allow a further reserve to be created for the replacement of assets during their life span. This is to ensure that the Parish Council has sufficient funds for replacement costs as...

Welford Parish Council policy in relation to bullying and harassment and also members of the public respecting employees, volunteers and Councillors

The Parish Council Risk Assessment and Internal Controls procedure for 2023

This policy identifies when the Council is likely to give or deny permission for users of the Playing Field as it is owned by the Parish Council

Memorial Safety Policy

Wed, 28 Apr 2021

This policy outlines the work that the Parish Council will undertake in ensuring the safety of memorials within the closed church yard of St Mary the Virgin Church, Welford.

Policy in relation to internal financial controls

Subject Access Request

Thu, 2 Apr 2020

How to apply for personal information that might be held by the Parish Council

Privacy notice

Thu, 2 Apr 2020

How we handle data

Freedom of Information

Thu, 2 Apr 2020

Information held and access to that information

Data Protection Policy

Thu, 2 Apr 2020

How the Parish Council handles personal information

ICO Registration

Thu, 2 Apr 2020

The Parish is registered with the Information Commissioners Office in relation to Data Protection

The procedure for the Council to adopt any new lights as a result of a new development within the Parish

Retention Policy

Thu, 2 Apr 2020

How long records are kept

Data Breach Policy

Thu, 2 Apr 2020

How we deal with any breach of personal data

How expenses can be claimed

How complaints are dealt with

Neighbourhood Plan

Financial Regulations

Sat, 28 Mar 2020

Financial Regulations

IT Policy

Sat, 28 Mar 2020

IT Policy

Procedure re filming and/or recording Council meetings

Application form

How we manage finances and assets

Expectations of the office of Councillors