20th September 2024

Search Welford Parish Council

Welford Parish Council Serving the people of Welford

Displaying 1 to 30 of 97

AGE UK Summer 2024 edition newsletter

Parish Council ordinary meeting agenda Thursday 22nd February 2024 at 1930 in the village hall.

SID 2024/01 Northampton Road by Copper Bottom

The Church Magazine for December 2023

The October edition of the Town and Parish briefing

Bugle 2023/10

Wed, 4 Oct 2023

The October edition of the Welford Bugle

The church magazine for September 2023

The Town and Parish Briefing published by WNC with news from across the area

Bugle 2023/08

Mon, 31 Jul 2023

The August edition of the Welford Bugle

The Church magazine for August 2023

Press Clippings (2)

Tue, 18 Jul 2023

A further selection of press clippings relating to the Pocket Park

Press Clippings (1)

Tue, 18 Jul 2023

A selection of press clippings

More photographs from around the time the Pocket park was opened

Continuing with more photographs from around the time the Pocket park opened

These photographs are taken from around the time the Pocket park opened

Lease from NCC

Tue, 18 Jul 2023

The original Lease written by Northamptonshire County Council leasing the Pocket park for 21 years to the village

The Management Plan sets out the Aims and Objectives for the Park

This leaflet shows some of the volunteers who helped create the Pocket park and some details about the species of animal that were present

This letter has been submitted to LCC by the Parish Council in relation to the proposal to extend the working hours at Husbands Bosworth Quarry

Data from the Speed Indicator Device from opposite the shop in the High Street

The July edition of the Church magazine

SID data for NOrthampton Road opposite the garage for southbound traffic

Bugle 2023/06

Tue, 6 Jun 2023

The June 2023 edition of the Welford BUgle

The June 2023 edition of the Church magazine

Minutes, 2023/04/27

Fri, 12 May 2023

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 27th April 2023

This document explains more about the schemes

The church magazine for May 2023

A copy of the reply sent by Welford PC to WNC Planning in relation to the planning application to build warehousing at the north east corner of junction 1 of the A14

Bugle 2023/04

Fri, 31 Mar 2023

The April edition of the Welford Bugle

Data from the SID device located in West End at the entrance to the village near to Hemploe View