Your Parish Councillors
Welford Parish Council has up to 10 members who are re-elected every 4 years.
The next Parish Council elections will take place May 2025
As of September 2024 we have three vacant seats and welcome applications to become a Parish Councillor
Good Councillor Guide 2018 (PDF, 853 Kb)
The Good Councillor Guide 2018 Edition is available to read for those that are interested in the role of Councillor. For those who are interested in applying for the role either when a vacancy becomes available or for co-option if there are insufficient elected Councillors
Your other Local Elected Representatives
West Northants Council Councillors
Cllr. Cecile Irving-Swift
Cllr. Kevin Parker
Liberal Democrat
Cllr Jonathan Harris
The MP for the Daventry Constituency is Stuart Andrew. His contact details can be found on his website, please use the following link Stuart Andrew | MP for the Daventry Constituency
Register of Interests (PDF, 112 Kb)
Any interests that a Councillor has so that any conflict of interest is known should it arise during any decision making