Annual Parish Meeting
Frequently asked questions:
What is an Annual Parish Meeting?
There can be, and often is, confusion between the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council. All Parish and Town Councils throughout England are required by law to hold an Annual Parish Meeting, which must take place between 1st March and the 1st June (inclusive). Meetings should not commence before 6.00 pm. Welford's Annual Parish meeting is held on the fourth Thursday in April every year.
What is the purpose of the Annual Parish Meeting?
The purpose of the meeting is so that the Parish Council can explain what they have been doing over the last year. It also enables the electors to have their say on anything they consider is important to the people of the Parish.
What else happens at the meeting?
The Unitary Councillors are invited to attend and may give an update on their work. We also invite local clubs and societies to speak about the work of their group.
Who can attend the meeting?
The Annual Parish Meeting is a meeting for all the local government electors of the Parish. It is not a meeting of the Parish Council. Anyone may attend but only registered electors of the Parish may speak and vote during the meeting.
Will I be able to ask questions and make suggestions?
Any registered elector may ask questions of the Council which will usually be answered by the Chair, the Clerk to the Council, or a designated Councillor. An elector may also make suggestions and comment on anything pertinent to the people of the parish. This will be welcomed and is the whole purpose of the meeting.
Who will chair the meeting?
Those attending the meeting will elect a chair. A parish meeting may be convened by either: (a) the chair of the Parish Council, or (b) any two town councillors for the parish, or (c) a councillor representing the parish on the Unitary Authority, or (d) any six local government electors for the parish.
Will Parish Councillors be there?
All Councillors representing the Parish will be invited to attend. Councillors will also have the opportunity to raise questions and make comments if they wish. However, the purpose of the meeting is to enable the ordinary electors to find out what is going on in their parish and to have their say.
Will notes be taken of the meeting?
Minutes of the proceedings of a parish meeting shall be kept and be signed at the next following assembly of the parish meeting.
How long will the meeting last?
It really depends on those present, the number of questions and the discussion that is raised.