22nd January 2025

Search Welford Parish Council

Welford Parish Council Serving the people of Welford

Green Welford will once again be holding the Kids Fest on Saturday 10th June 2023 on the Playing Field and in the WYCC. Full details are on the attached poster

Green Welford will once again be holding the Kids Fest on Saturday 10th June 2023 on the Playing Field and in the WYCC. Full details are on the attached poster

Green Welford

Our aims:

The aim of Green Welford is to champion education and empowerment regarding climate change. We wish to raise awareness of the need to live more sustainably; encourage sustainability across the community of Welford village; educate members of the village about how to live more sustainably; implement sustainable best practices and be a point of contact for the community of Welford village on all matters relating to sustainability and green living. By championing the co-benefits of living more sustainably, we also want to educate local residents as inclusively as possible and without alienating anyone for fear of these changes being too hard or financially unattainable.

Who we are:

Jules Bennett, Ellen Worrell, Hannah Bedard, Bill Wright, Steve Bates, Sarah Pryce. We are always looking for new members so if you'd like to join us then do get in touch.

Ways to contact us/get more info:


Facebook: Green Welford Facebook group

Instagram @greenwelford

We also have regular articles in the Welford Bugle

If you would like to be added to our mailing list then please get in touch via one of the methods above.

Regular events:

- Every other Friday we host a free coffee morning in the Billiards Room from 10am-12pm. This coincides with the fortnightly visit of a zero waste van 'Rita the Refill Roadster' which stocks goods such as pasta, beans, rice, herbs and spices, flour, dried fruit and cleaning products (for humans and homes!). Just bring along some empty containers and let Rita fill them for you! Dates are advertised outside the village hall, in the Bugle and on the Newman's fence!

- The second Tuesday of each month is Mending Circle in the Billiards room (7pm). This is an opportunity to learn some methods to repair clothes rather than just throwing them away if they get a hole etc. If you are already a seasoned mender then come along and share your skills! For more information contact darnitmendit@gmail.com

Why does Green Welford exist?

We are at a critical point with regards to climate change. Global warming has to be kept below 2C (ideally 1.5) and it is not enough to simply leave this enormous task to other people to deal with. We are a developed nation which has contributed massively to the climate crisis and we are all citizens of the world so it is therefore everybody's responsibility to take action for the sake of the future of the human race. By creating Green Welford we are taking action in our community that will hopefully create ripple effects throughout and encourage people to start making a difference.

Recycling bins:

The Parish Council has kindly agreed for the Green Welford group to host some recycling bins in the bus shelter on West Street. The group are coordinating efforts with Sustainable Sibbertoft to collect some specific items that are not easily recycled by our normal local authority collection.

Please only deposit the items listed on the bins as the onward collection may be rejected by the recycling agent if it is thought to be 'contaminated'. Please do not use the bus shelter to leave other items not listed

The existing collection point for blister packs at 12 Newlands Road, has proved to be very popular and will remain for the time being.

The collection boxes will be checked daily and full boxes will be taken for recycling by volunteers. If you would like to volunteer to pass on a bag of recycling, please get in touch.

Last updated: Tue, 11 Apr 2023 11:51